MoASSP Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsor
Become a Partner in Missouri Education,
MoASSP provides an opportunity for businesses to become a sponsor of Missouri secondary education. You can select a plan that ensures you receive maximum exposure for your dollars as our program is intended to mutually benefit association members and the business partner.
You know the role that quality leadership plays in the business world. You also have a stake in the quality of schools in Missouri. You’re invited to join MoASSP as a Business Associate Member or to Partner with the Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals (MoASSP) in support of school leaders’ professional growth. To create the kind of schools our students deserve we need great leaders—ones who can work with parents, business leaders, and community members. Leaders must analyze data and provide the instructional support that
teachers need to implement strategies to improve student achievement.
Members count on MoASSP for support and professional development programs yet with cuts to school district budgets there are fewer resources to support administrators. MoASSP is honored to work in partnership with corporations that choose to support the mission and goals of providing quality professional development to secondary school leaders. This program enables MoASSP to enrich the quality of the training offered through MoASSP-sponsored events. The contributions received through this program go directly to securing well-known consultants, researchers, and experts on topics of interest to secondary school leaders. This program gives corporate partners expanded opportunities to meet face-to-face with MoASSP members at workshops and conferences.
The mission of the MoASSP is to improve secondary education through positive leadership and the enhancement of student performance. Your business can have name recognition among secondary school administrators and also help defray the costs for principals to participate in leadership development through the sponsorship of MoASSP programs.
Contact Clark Mershon (cmershon@moassp.org), MoASSP Executive Director, or Chris Hoehne (choehne@moassp.org) , MoASSP Director of Programming and Development, to discuss partnership options. Program options may be modified by mutual agreement of MoASSP and the partner based on the qualifying level of sponsorship or calling (573)-445-5071.